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terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2020

País decadente ....

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Digna imagem esta de, o primeiro-ministro socialista português, no beija mão, àquele que á tempos chamou de “repugnante”!!!
E para os que se preocupam com a imagem do país, o Blog "A Postura", convida todos os leitores e seguidores, para assistirem a este elucidativo video!
Portugal: Tourism and how bad is the policy of all eggs in one basket
I talk about the consequences of being so dependent on tourism and how the entire country is dragged down by it, if that sector is affected as it's being, with the pandemic!
46 years of the "all eggs in one basket" policy have made sure that the entire country has no way to avoid being so affected by the catastrophic year that tourism will have in Portugal.
08 julho 2020